Port of Oakland joins environmental non-profit Green Marine

Oakland, Calif. – October 4, 2023: Green Marine certified the Port of Oakland this week through its environmental program. The certification process supports the Port’s transition to zero emissions operations. The Port doubled down on its commitment to the environment by joining Green Marine earlier this year. Green Marine is a Canadian- and U.S.-based non-profit organization dedicated […]
West Oakland community agreement ensures cleaner, greener operations for new Port of Oakland bulk shipping terminal

Oakland, Calif. – September 29, 2023: The Oakland Board of Port Commissioners approved changes in its agreement with Eagle Rock Aggregates to develop and operate a bulk marine terminal at the Port of Oakland. The changes stem from the settlement of a lawsuit filed by the West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project (WOEIP) and the Attorney […]
Port of Oakland brings zero emissions vehicles to life

Oakland, Calif. – September 20, 2023: The Port of Oakland joined forces with community partners to host a Zero Emissions Truck Ride and Drive event, providing port operators the opportunity to experience state-of-the-art zero emissions vehicles firsthand. The Port partnered with Harbor Trucking Association, CALSTART, California’s Hybrid and Zero-Emissions Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project […]
California says ‘yes’ to Port of Oakland’s Green Power Microgrid Project

Oakland, Calif. – June 28, 2023: The California Transportation Commission (CTC) voted to approve a $42 million grant to the Port of Oakland for its Green Power Microgrid Project. This project will markedly increase the Port’s ability to deliver green-sourced power to its seaport operations, bringing the Port even closer to its zero emissions goal. […]
Port of Oakland calls for zero emissions, cargo-handling plans

Oakland, Calif. – March 10, 2023: The Oakland Board of Port Commissioners approved an environmental ordinance at its Thursday, March 9 meeting. The Port law includes requiring tenants that operate cargo-handling equipment (CHE) to create a plan for converting CHE to zero-emissions. “The entire Port Board is committed to de-carbonizing operations at Port facilities,” said Port Board […]
Port of Oakland’s solar energy use grows

Oakland, Calif. – January 27, 2023: The Port of Oakland’s stake in a newly expanded solar array at Antelope Valley Solar Ranch has just come online. This solar project is now delivering renewable energy to the Port of Oakland. The Port owns and operates its own utility which then sells electricity to tenants including those […]
Port of Oakland utility green power portfolio grows

Oakland, Calif. – January 12, 2023: The Port of Oakland Utility serving customers at the seaport and airport fulfills 66.9% of its power needs from carbon free energy sources, nearly double the state average. “Acquiring renewable power sources to meet our energy needs is an important part of our journey to become a zero-emissions seaport,” […]
Port of Oakland debuts zero-emissions top picks

Oakland, Calif. – December 23, 2022: Two, all-electric top picks are operating at the Port of Oakland. They are part of a demonstration project to create a zero-emissions seaport. The Oakland Seaport has joined a select group of seaports to operate the green technology equipment. Only a handful of these innovative, zero-emissions top picks exist around the […]
Port of Oakland receives federal grant for green development

Oakland, Calif. – October 28, 2022: The Port of Oakland will be awarded a $36.6 million grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation to support green infrastructure development for added cargo transport capacity and operational efficiencies at its Outer Harbor. The grant is part of a $94 million federal investment in California ports. The grant award is […]
Port of Oakland to buy renewable energy from EBMUD

Oakland, Calif. – October 21, 2022: The Oakland Board of Port Commissioners approved extending a contract to purchase renewable electricity from the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) at the Oct. 13, 2022 board meeting. The energy will come from EBMUD’s Wastewater Treatment Plant Power Generation Station. The Port has been purchasing that electricity for 10 years […]