Zero Emissions Symposium
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Zero Emissions Symposium
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Zero Emissions Symposium - Oakland
On February 7, 2024, the Port of Oakland in partnership with the Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, held the first-ever Oakland environmental symposium. The event brought together maritime, aviation, commercial real estate, environmental, business, government, and community leaders to collaborate on innovative zero-emissions solutions.
The event opened with a keynote by California Energy Commissioner Patty Monahan. She discussed the challenges to reach a zero-emissions goal and how to overcome the obstacles. Zero-emissions solutions are critical for everyone and every industry. To address climate change in a meaningful way, industries will have to implement innovative, yet practical, zero-emissions solutions. The event highlighted leaders like aviation expert, Elvis Ebikade, Ph.D. of Southwest Airlines, who is doing groundbreaking work on sustainable aviation fuels. Prologis’ Director of Project Development for Hubs, Les Garrison, spoke about how to bring more green businesses to Oakland.

Zero Emissions Symposium
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Funding & Partners
In 2023, the Port was awarded $119 million in funding from the California Port and Freight Infrastructure Program to expand zero-emissions operations while increasing goods movement capacity. This funding supports the conversion of cargo-handling equipment to electric equipment and strengthens the Port’s shore power electrical infrastructure.
In May 2024, the Port and a coalition of 20 partners applied for a federal grant that will fast track the Oakland Seaport’s conversion to 100 percent zero-emissions cargo handling operations. The Port and its clean energy partners seek a $417 million grant through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Clean Ports Program: Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Competition.
Community Engagement
The Port is working closely with 20 community-based organizations, workforce development organizations, marine terminals, Port users, and industry leaders on the proposal. It will support emissions reductions and climate adaptation initiatives that will benefit the region’s industry-impacted communities in East and West Oakland, while advancing a community-verified and air district supported, air-monitoring system to measure project effectiveness and outcomes.
The Port of Oakland is Everyone’s Port. Together with its vendors, local businesses, elected leaders, and other partners, the Port will continue to deepen its commitment to a zero-emissions future for everyone.