Port of Oakland set to receive $10.5M vehicle electrification grant from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Port partners with United Parcel Service to expand zero-emissions freight throughout Bay Area Oakland, Calif. – December 17, 2024: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced a $10.5 million award for the Port of Oakland under its Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicle grant program. The grant will replace vehicles powered by fossil-fuels with vehicles powered by zero-emissions […]
Port of Oakland wins community/educational excellence award for environmental conference

Port honored for zero-emissions environmental symposium Oakland, Calif. – November 5, 2024: The Port of Oakland was presented with an award by the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) last week at the AAPA Annual Convention & Exposition. The AAPA is the unified voice of the seaport industry in the Americas, representing more than 130 […]
Port of Oakland awarded historic $322 million EPA grant

Grant to fund hundreds of zero-emissions trucks and cargo-handling equipment Oakland, Calif.—October 29, 2024: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded the Port of Oakland $322 million to fast track the Oakland Seaport’s conversion to nearly 100 percent zero-emissions cargo handling operations. The Port’s historic and transformative proposal is called “Community Led, Business Supported, […]
Port of Oakland hosts U.S. Senator Alex Padilla and California Governor Gavin Newsom for major hydrogen investment celebration

Nation’s first Hydrogen Hub launches in Oakland after $1.2 billion federal investment Oakland, Calif. – September 3, 2024: The Port of Oakland officials hosted U.S. Senator Alex Padilla (D-Calif.), California Governor Gavin Newsom, and U.S. Department of Energy Under Secretary David Crane for a Port tour. This was part of the August 30 celebration marking […]
Port of Oakland appoints Diego González as Government Affairs Manager

Oakland, Calif. – March 21, 2024: The Port of Oakland today announced the appointment of Diego González to Government Affairs Manager. Mr. González brings legislative advocacy and policy experience to the full-time position after serving eight years as a Port Governmental Affairs Field Representative. González most recently served in the Acting Manager position for the […]
Port, Oakland Chamber host sold-out environmental symposium

Oakland, Calif. – February 8, 2024: The Port of Oakland in partnership with the Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce held the first-ever Oakland environmental symposium yesterday. The event brought together maritime, aviation, commercial real estate, environmental, business, government and community leaders to collaborate on innovative zero-emissions solutions. “We are dedicated to growing green businesses and creating green-collar jobs […]
Port of Oakland, Parsons and Partners Launch New App to Improve Port Operations

Chantilly, Va. (January 4, 2024) – Parsons Corporation (NYSE: PSN) today joins the Port of Oakland, California, Advent eModal, Mobile Programming and key stakeholders to announce the launch of the Freight Intelligent Transportation System (FITS) at the Port. Since 2020, Parsons has worked closely with the Alameda County Transportation Commission (CTC), Port staff, the City […]
Port of Oakland appoints Colleen Liang as Environmental Director

Oakland, Calif. – December 5, 2023: The Port of Oakland just appointed Colleen Liang as its new Director of the Environmental Programs and Planning (EP&P) division. Ms. Liang joined the Port in 2000. During her 23 years at the Port, she has served in every environmental position, most recently as Acting Director of EP&P. “I am truly […]
Port of Oakland partners with state and Japanese trade officials to cut global maritime shipping emissions

Oakland, Calif. – October 20, 2023: Port of Oakland leaders joined the Port Decarbonization & Green Shipping Corridor Symposium today to discuss the important work being done to reduce greenhouse gas footprints globally and locally. Port of Oakland Executive Director Danny Wan addressed port industry colleagues on the latest projects being implemented at Oakland to significantly cut […]
Federal funding headed to Port of Oakland for hydrogen projects

Oakland, Calif. – October 16, 2023: Hydrogen projects at the Port of Oakland are in line for federal and state funding. This is thanks to the Biden administration’s announcement October 13, awarding up to $1.2 billion to California as a designated hydrogen hub. “We are grateful to have outstanding federal, state, and local support for our vision […]