OAK publishes draft environmental report for proposed Terminal Modernization and Development Project

Oakland, Calif. – July 18, 2023: The Port of Oakland has passed a critical milestone in its proposed Terminal Modernization and Development Project for Oakland International Airport (OAK) with today’s release of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The Port, which owns and operates OAK, will host a series of public meetings during the extended 60-day […]
Port of Oakland’s FY24 budget includes funds for zero emissions projects

Oakland, Calif.– July 17, 2023: The Oakland Board of Port Commissioners just approved a 2024 fiscal year budget of $558 million. The approved budget outlined critical components for the Port of Oakland’s future: • An anticipated $16 million revenue increase in FY 2024; • Approval of a $163.7 million capital budget; and • Allocation of […]
Port of Oakland turning basins proposed project reaches key milestone

Oakland, Calif. – June 29, 2023: The Oakland Harbor Turning Basins Widening Navigation Study has reached another milestone. The comment period for the second draft of the Integrated Feasibility Report (IFR) closed on June 16, 2023. The end of the comment period signals the beginning of the next phase of the proposed project. The California Environmental […]
Port of Oakland loaded container volume up third month in a row

Oakland, Calif. – June 22, 2023: Port of Oakland full containers (both imports and exports) in May 2023 were up by about 18 percent compared to February 2023. Although Oakland loaded cargo TEUs (twenty-foot containers) have been climbing for three months, the loaded container volume remains below last year, registering a 19% decline in the […]
Port of Oakland adds geothermal to clean energy portfolio

Oakland, Calif. – June 21, 2023: The Port of Oakland’s Board of Port Commissioners recently agreed to purchase up to $13.5 million worth of geothermal energy over 12 years. Geothermal offers a clean, reliable and 100 percent renewable energy source that will be used by the Port and its tenants at the seaport and airport. The […]
Port of Oakland signs State of California MOU for first-ever, ports data-sharing program

Oakland, Calif. – April 27, 2023: Port of Oakland’s Maritime Director Bryan Brandes signed a historic Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the State of California, along with representatives from four other major containerized California ports on Wednesday, April 26, 2023. The MOU is the foundation of the state’s plan to establish a California ports data-sharing […]
Port of Oakland February container volume declined

Oakland, Calif. – March 24, 2023: The Port of Oakland’s container volume experienced another slow month. Total year-to-date volume compared to this time last year fell 14.1%. Full TEUs (twenty-foot containers) dropped 23% last month, with 113,814 TEUs transiting the Port, in contrast to 147,620 TEUs in February 2022. Empty TEUs dropped 14% compared to […]
Port of Oakland joins clean energy trade mission

Oakland, Calif. – March 22, 2023: Port of Oakland officials joined a delegation of California policymakers, decisionmakers and business executives, led by California Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis and Dee Dee Myers, Director of the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development, on a trade mission to Japan last week. The group exchanged ideas about tackling climate change, […]
Port of Oakland hosts workshop for small, local, and diverse contractors

Oakland, Calif. – March 3, 2023: The Port of Oakland held an event on February 28th to connect small, local, and diverse contractors with large companies that the Port of Oakland contracts with on a variety of projects. Prior to the contractor networking event, the Port held a workshop on the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) certification […]
Port of Oakland building for the next generation

Oakland, Calif. – February 15, 2023: Port of Oakland Executive Director Danny Wan presented the “State of the Port 2023” at a luncheon yesterday. In partnership with the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association and Women In Logistics, the speech was given to around 300 Port stakeholders at Scott’s Seafood Restaurant in Jack London Square. Executive Director Wan […]