Port, Oakland Chamber host sold-out environmental symposium

Oakland, Calif. – February 8, 2024: The Port of Oakland in partnership with the Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce held the first-ever Oakland environmental symposium yesterday. The event brought together maritime, aviation, commercial real estate, environmental, business, government and community leaders to collaborate on innovative zero-emissions solutions. “We are dedicated to growing green businesses and creating green-collar jobs […]
Leaders celebrate projects to improve transportation, goods movement at the Port of Oakland

Oakland, Calif. – July 24, 2023: Projects will modernize aging infrastructure, implement state of the art technology and improve air quality in neighboring communities at busiest port in Northern California ALAMEDA COUNTY, Calif. – The Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC), Port of Oakland, and City of Oakland today announced important milestones for two major transportation improvement […]
Port of Oakland’s FY24 budget includes funds for zero emissions projects

Oakland, Calif.– July 17, 2023: The Oakland Board of Port Commissioners just approved a 2024 fiscal year budget of $558 million. The approved budget outlined critical components for the Port of Oakland’s future: • An anticipated $16 million revenue increase in FY 2024; • Approval of a $163.7 million capital budget; and • Allocation of […]
State awards Port of Oakland $119 million in sustainable transportation infrastructure grants

Oakland, Calif. – July 6, 2023: The Port of Oakland today was awarded $119 million in grant funding from the State of California as part of the Port’s Freight Infrastructure Program (PFIP). The grant award is part of the $1.2 billion state-funded program that will support the Port in making critical infrastructure improvements at its […]
Port of Oakland ship turning basins study ready for public review

Oakland, Calif. – Dec. 20, 2021:The Port of Oakland, in partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) San Francisco District, has reached a key milestone in the planning process to widen the Oakland Harbor turning basins to accommodate larger container ships calling North America. The comment period starts today, Monday, December 20, 2021, for the USACE draft Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment (IFR/EA). Interested parties have until January 31, […]