Port of Oakland – Enhancing Security and Public Safety

Press Releases

For Immediate Release
March 7, 2014

Press Statement: Port of Oakland – Enhancing Security and Public Safety


Oakland, CA – March 7, 2014 –Security is a top priority for both the Port of Oakland and the City of Oakland.

Through our partnership to date with the City, the Port has been able to make significant improvements in security with the first phase of the Domain Awareness Center project completed.

This project benefits both the Port and the City in several ways. We’ve increased the visibility of Port infrastructure by the City’s first responders, upgraded technology, digitally incorporated video and internet management tools, perfected the fiber optic uplink between the City and Port associated with network improvements, and we’ve created a new video wall for the City’s Emergency Operations Center, which will enhance situational awareness during an emergency or disaster. $2.9 million in federal funding has been completely expended and reimbursed contributing to improving security and safety at the City and the Port of Oakland.

The Port, along with its partners, generates more than 73,000 jobs in the region and supports nearly 827,000 jobs across the nation. And more than $40 billion worth of goods are shipped through the Port of Oakland each year. It’s vital to protect the people, environment and infrastructure that support those jobs and our economy. Getting timely and accurate information during an emergency is critical to saving lives and protecting property.

Think about this for a moment: If there’s a major incident at the Oakland seaport, it will require both the City and Port to respond. Therefore, the Domain Awareness Center project is a major step forward in coordinating and sharing vital security resources with the City to enhance public safety.

Port staff is currently evaluating the action taken by Oakland City Council this week to determine what the final Domain Awareness Center project will look like as we continue to move forward to improve Port of Oakland security. We are pleased that the City has supported these efforts to keep our infrastructure secure. We will continue to collaborate closely with the City as we proceed with this important federally-funded project.

Ces Butner
President, Board of Port Commissioners
Port of Oakland
J. Christopher Lytle
Executive Director
Port of Oakland



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