Port of Oakland achieved 86% reduction in diesel emissions

Oakland, Calif.December 17, 2021: The Port of Oakland staff announced the findings of the 2020 Seaport Air Emissions Inventory at Thursday’s meeting of the Oakland Board of Port Commissioners. Inventory results show that the Port surpassed all its original goals set in the Maritime Air Quality Improvement Program (MAQIP). 

The Port and its partners successfully reduced diesel particulate matter emissions (DPM) by 86% over 2005 levels. The goal was an 85% drop in DPM. Nitrous oxide (NOx) emissions were cut by 40% and sulfur oxides were slashed by 95%. All these reductions were beyond the original goals.

“This huge reduction in harmful emissions is a tremendous achievement,” said Port Director of Environmental Programs and Planning Richard Sinkoff. “The Port, its partners and the community worked together for more than a decade to improve air quality and support public health through major investments, innovation and commitment.”

MAQIP was the Port’s comprehensive Master Plan to reduce harmful emissions from maritime operations at the Oakland Seaport, setting 2005 activity as the baseline for comparison and 2020 the final year for reaching the goals. 

The 2020 Seaport Air Emissions Inventory included six categories of mobile sources: ocean-going vessels, harbor craft such as tugboats, cargo-handling equipment, on-road trucks, locomotives and other off-road equipment, such as construction equipment.

“The Port exceeded all emissions reduction goals set in 2008 in the Port’s Maritime Air Quality Policy Statement,” said Port Environmental Planner/Scientist Tracy Fidell. “Reductions for harmful emissions were achieved despite an increase in cargo volume.”

Container throughput at the Oakland Seaport was almost 8% higher in 2020 than in 2005. “The Port is moving cargo more efficiently and generating fewer emissions per container compared to Year 2005,” added Tracy Fidell.

Port officials recognized BAAQMD (Bay Area Air Quality Management District), WOEIP (West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project), CARB (California Air Resources Board), trucking companies, marine terminal, rail, and tugboat operators, ocean carriers and the local community for all coming together and working diligently to fulfill the commitments outlined in MAQIP.

“Zero emissions at the Oakland Seaport is our next goal,” said Richard Sinkoff. “In 2019 we established the Seaport Air Quality 2020 and Beyond Plan; it provides us a pathway to eliminating harmful emissions from maritime activities.”

About the Port of Oakland

The Port of Oakland oversees the Oakland Seaport, Oakland International Airport, and nearly 20 miles of waterfront including Jack London Square. The Port’s 5-year strategic plan – Growth with Care – pairs business expansion with community benefits, envisioning more jobs and economic stimulus as the Port grows. Together with its business partners, the Port supports more than 84,000 jobs. Connect with the Port of Oakland and Oakland International Airport through Facebook, or with the Port on Twitter, YouTube, and at www.portofoakland.com. 

Media Contacts

Robert BernardoPort of OaklandCommunications Director (510) 627-1401[email protected] 

Marilyn SandifurPort of OaklandPort Spokesperson (510) 627-1193Click here to contact Marilyn Sandifur



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