Oakland International Airport reports October 2020 traffic

Oakland, Calif. – November 19, 2020: October 2020 passenger traffic at Oakland International Airport (OAK) increased 13.6 percent from what was reported for September 2020. In fact, the airport saw 43,490 more passengers than it did in September. OAK is the top San Francisco Bay Area airport measured by air cargo traffic and the second busiest airport in the region for passenger traffic.

“The airport and all of our tenant airlines, including all-cargo airlines FEDEX and UPS, have taken the precautionary measures that are necessary as we continue to operate during the prolonged COVID-19 crisis,” said Bryant L. Francis, Port of Oakland Director of Aviation. “The mission is difficult, and credit goes to the frontline employees that, day-in and day-out, continue to offer kind and conscientious hospitality to everyone as we adhere to the guidelines and protocols that an effective pandemic response requires of us all.”

October 2020 Statistical Data 

  • Oakland International Airport saw 363,952 total passengers in October 2020, down 67.3 percent from October 2019 with 1,124,507 passengers.
  • In October, a total of 184,214 passengers departed OAK’s runways on scheduled flights.  Of those, 147,051 were local; 37,051 were connecting and 112 charter flight passengers. There were 9,585 international arriving passengers.
  • On a rolling 12-month basis, traffic is off 53.95 percent with 6,160,555 passengers this year compared to 13,379,059 during the same period a year ago.

116.6 million pounds of air cargo moved through OAK in October 2020, a 3.7% increase over October 2019.

About Oakland International Airport 

Oakland International is the main airport for the greater East Bay, the most populated area in the metropolitan San Francisco Bay area. It is the closest airport to most Bay Area employers. By roadway and BART air-rail, OAK enables excellent access to all of the region’s business, entertainment and tourism venues. The vision of Oakland International Airport is to be the airport of choice for San Francisco Bay Area residents and visitors alike. OAK is operated by the Port of Oakland, which also oversees the Oakland seaport and 20 miles of East Bay waterfront. Together with its business partners, the Port supports more than 84,000 jobs in the region with more than a $130 billion economic impact. Updates about travel during the COVID19 pandemic, current departure and arrival information, airport maps, and details about on-airport parking, shopping and dining and more, can be found at  www.iflyoak.com. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Media contact

Roberto Bernardo, Airport spokesperson

Oakland International Airport

[email protected]

OAK 24-hour media-only hotline: 510-563-6500


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