
Public Records Request

The Port of Oakland is committed to providing public records in response to requests under the California Public Records Act. View commonly requested documents, link to NextRequest, an online request and response system, and read Frequently Asked Questions.

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Port History

Learn about the founding and historical development of the Port of Oakland, including the Oakland Seaport and Oakland International Airport.

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About the Port of Oakland

The Port of Oakland is a vital economic driver for the San Francisco Bay Area, overseeing the Oakland International Airport, the Oakland Seaport and nearly 20 miles of waterfront including Jack London Square and a publicly owned utility.

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Newsletter Signup

Sign up to receive email newsletters including Press Releases, the Maritime Newsletter, Community Newsletter, and the Aviation Newsletter.

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Seaport eNews

View the Oakland Seaport eNews, a monthly maritime newsletter. This page contains archived newsletters from 2015 to present.

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